Lung Cancer Risk Assessment LunCRA

Lung cancer is caused by harmful cells in your lungs growing unchecked. Treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation and targeted drugs.

Take the risk assessment tool below to find out more.

Choose the language that you wish to use to take the assessment.

Lung Cancer Risk Assessment questionnaire survey takes about 5 to 10 minutes.

1. What is your biological sex?


2. What is your age?


3. What is your ethnicity (race)?


4. Do you smoke cigarette/cigar/pipe/e-cigarette?


5. Do you work and/or live in an environment that exposes you to second-hand smoke?


6. Do you work and/or live in an environment that exposes you to the following substance(s)? You may choose more than one.


7. Do you work as a welder and/or live in an environment that exposes you to welding fumes?


8. Do you work as a painter and/or live in an environment that exposes you to solvents, paints or thinners?


9. How often do you experience persistent coughing/wheezing, shortness of breath, or tightness in your chest?


10. Have you ever been diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or emphysema?


11. Do you have any biological parent(s) or sibling(s) suffering from lung cancer and/or any other types of cancer?


12. Do you have any biological grandparent(s), uncle(s), or aunt(s) suffering from lung cancer and/or any other types of cancer?


13. If you need the risk assessment result, please enter your email address below:

14. Have you been diagnosed with Lung Cancer?


15. If yes, which treatment are you getting / did you get?


Question 1 of 15