Breast Cancer Risk Assessment BreCRA

Breast cancer happens when cells in your breast grow and divide in an uncontrolled way, creating a mass of tissue called a tumor.

Take the risk assessment tool below to find out more.

Choose the language that you wish to use to take the assessment.

Breast Cancer Risk Assessment questionnaire survey takes about 5 to 10 minutes.
Note: This tool was designed to assess the breast cancer risk in females only.

1. What is your age?


2. What is your ethnicity (race)?


3. What is your weight status based on body mass index (BMI)?
BMI = weight (kg) / height2 (m2)


4. Do you smoke cigarette/cigar/pipe/e-cigarette?


5. Do you drink alcohol (Beer, wine, whiskey, champagne, tuak, etc.)?


6. How old were you when you first having period or menstruating?


7. How many times have you given birth?


8. What was your age when you first gave birth?


9. How long does it take for you to stop breastfeeding after giving birth?


10. Have you ever been diagnosed with benign breast disease?


11. At what age did you start menopause?


12. Have you ever received hormone replacement therapy (HRT) after menopause?


13. Have your mother, sister(s), or daughter(s) been diagnosed with breast and/or ovarian cancer(s)?


14. Do you have any biological grandmother, half-sister(s), aunt(s), cousin(s), niece(s), or granddaughter(s) suffering from breast and/or ovarian cancer(s)?


15. If you need the risk assessment result, please enter your email address below:

16. Have you been diagnosed with Breast Cancer?


17. If yes, which treatment are you getting/did you get?


Question 1 of 17